The Chief Security Expert of Kaspersky to deliver keynote
address at OFFZONE
He will talk about the root causes and evolution
of cybersecurity incidents over the last 20 years.
Sergey Golovanov, the Chief Security Expert from one
of the largest companies in the industry, has years of experience
in researching cybersecurity risks.
He joined Kaspersky in 2005 and is currently
focused on analyzing espionage campaigns and threats to financial systems. He also
oversees research into embedded systems security and investigates criminal activity.
In his keynote address r00+ 0f 3/\@ (Root
of evil), the expert will explore the reasons why cyber incidents occur.
I have been in the cybersecurity industry for over 20 years. Looking
back at the incidents I came across in 2004, I realize that the situation
has not changed much: phishing emails, software vulnerabilities, and weak passwords
are still around. Understanding the real reasons behind the incidents is as important
as acknowledging a disease—this is the first step to recovery.
Despite the power of artificial intelligence,
passwordless authentication methods, cloud technologies, and secure programming
languages, attackers are still finding ways to compromise information systems.
So why hasn’t the situation improved in 20 years?
Do we know the real causes of incidents and the motives of attackers?
What escapes the eye? Are there ways to minimize the risks?
To answer these questions, Sergey Golovanov will turn
to some real‑life cases he investigated over the course of his
The fifth international conference on practical
cybersecurity OFFZONE will take place at Moscow’s ZIL cultural center on August
22–23. The event will draw together security specialists, developers, engineers,
researchers, lecturers, and students. Thematically, the conference will be divided
into 8 zones where the attendees will hear expert presentations on current
cyber threats and new approaches to security, participate in workshops and master
classes, and compete in quizzes and contests. This year’s additions are Threat.Zone
and AI.Zone where anyone can test their knowledge of the cyber threat
landscape and learn about best AI practices.
OFFZONE is more than just a chance to gain
experience, hone skills, and hear from industry experts. It is also an opportunity
to celebrate cybersecurity and get inspiration from the like‑minded. In 2023,
more than 2,500 people attended the event featuring 108 speakers with a total
of 89 presentations. As in previous years, the 2024 conference will
be held exclusively offline.